August 16, 2019

Falling in love with Photography

I always had the soft spot for a good picture, well you could argue who doesn’t? Fair enough.. but I always thought what makes a good picture. I started exploring the rules of guiding the viewers to the elements in the photograph. I studied all the rules of composition and then I stumbled upon a quote from a photographer Edward Weston who famously said.. “Now to consult the rules of composition before making a picture is a little like consulting the law of gravitation before going for a walk”. This hit me in so many levels. So, I stopped watching butt-load of YouTube tutorial videos and decided to just go for it. I didn’t have a DSLR so I borrowed from a colleague at work. I started experimenting the settings with freedom and found myself instantly falling in love, it was love at first sight! Then I understood why people made rules; it is because of the experimentation, what looks good and what not. And, I have also been familiar with when to break the rules, as we all know rules are meant to be broken, eh! Now, it’s been almost a year of me and photography and I couldn’t be more happier. But, life is a constant learning curve; I am pushing myself every time getting up from bed early to shoot some sunrise and staying late for sunset. I am deeply fascinated in landscapes and wildlife and if I am lucky enough I’d wanna be a full time landscape/wildlife photographer. I think this much of rambling is enough for today. I’ll leave now with some of my shots below!